Have you or someone you love been AFFECTED by the Drug Epidemic we know today?
Here is your chance to join forces to make positive change and fight a better war on drugs. We need passionate and energetic people who are willing to fight for their life and the lives they love.
I am looking to build a group of tireless folks who will not give up – who can work to convince lawmakers, law enforcers and community leaders who can push for change in how addicts and drug dealers are handled in our system. Addicts need long-term rehabilitation. Not jail. Not free paraphernalia! Drug dealers should be charged with murder when their clients overdose. Affected families need education to help them cope with the stress of living with – and without – their addicted loved ones.
Please – if you want to see change – BE CHANGE! Be part of AFFECTED! Anguished Families & Friends Executing Change To End Drug abuse.
Together we can do this! Please join me!
We will be a small group to begin with… a dozen or less. But I hope to grow exponentially-as this scourge has grown in our area.